Kate Krolle

Built with Berta.me

  1. There are 233 steps to make. More or less 190 breaths to take. It is possible to reach the attic in 92 meters. The stage is set, so should be the spectator. What happens next?

  2. At the shore of running waters, 2018
    sight specific performance, ‘30

    The 30 min long performance performed by Hilde Maelstaf and Pieter Lahousse starts at the entrance of the building – a piece created specifically according to Vooruit’s architectural specifications. The viewer following instructions is brought upstairs to a pitch-black and silent room. Within the silence, the instructions stop. An object is unveiled, inside which uncertain bodily movement can be detected.

    Uniting performance with fine art the production deals with questions of patience and expectations. How does waiting resonate with our being?

  3. At the shore of running waters / scene with moving object within the box