Kate Krolle

Built with Berta.me

  1. We all are born mad!

    Semuel Beckett, The complete dramatic works, 75.lpp., Faber & Faber, London, 1986

  2. Scent of the flesh, 2010

    Installation / etching, plexiglass, silicone sculpture, animation

    Each of displayed character represents the internal human condition characterized by alienation from so-called reality. The loss of control by reality is reflected, causing bodily reactions through the influence of heart and mind. This has nothing to do with what we see or what appears to be visible when looking at each other; on the contrary, it is all connected to what we do not see, but instead experience.

    Based on intuitive feelings, typically human instincts are constantly followed, straddling physical cravings and pleasures; they appear and disappear like scents.

  3. Animation disposed in silicone head